Mittwoch, 15. Februar 2012

Set List Item Permission in SharePoint designer 2010 Workflow

A customer asked me to program a SharePoint designer action that enables to set permissions on an Item. In Moss 2007 this was definitively missing. But then after a little bit of googling (or should I say Binging?) I found out, that this action was now added in SharePoint designer 2010. 
So when I created a workflow I couldn’t find the Action in the list.

The solution was to add an impersonation step to the workflow, and see there; new Actions are available including the one to set Item Permissions

The impersonation step runs under the Author of the workflow and not the one who started the workflow

Mittwoch, 8. Februar 2012

Term Store Management base Configuration - Step by Step

Sometimes in the site collection administration the menu item Term Store Management is missing. 

This is because you created the Site Collection using the Blanc Template. I Found the solution in this Blog. In case The Blog will be removed, here is the solution:

Connect to the server, start the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell and enter this

stsadm -o activatefeature -id 73EF14B1-13A9-416b-A9B5-ECECA2B0604C -url http://toplevelsiteurl

And see there the option will appear in the site collection administration:

Now you have the problem, that you can’t add Groups or terms to your term stores. 

This is because the Managed Metadata Service is not yet configured and you don’t have the required permissions to do so.

Now Go to the central administration and click on Manage Service Applications

Mark Managed Metadate Service (click on the right side)


In the ribbon click on „Administrators“

Add the actual Farm administrator as an Administrator for Managed Services and don't forget to check the "Full Control" Checkbox.

Now go Back on the Manage Service Applications site and click again on the Managed Metadata Service.

On the ribbon click this time on “Manage”

And add the users that will be Term Store Administrators

Now if you’re back in the term Store management in the site collection you will be able to add a new Group and new Terms.

Please Notice: The Managed Metadata Service is only available on SharePoint Server Standard and SharePoint Server Enterprise. Don’t bother looking for it on a SharePoint Foundation.